Third Eye for Kyril – FINISHED

Eye for Kyril | Donio

Kyril is a Belarusian who has been living in the Czech Republic for fifteen years. When the war in Ukraine started, he decided it was time to join the fight for freedom. Not only the Ukrainian one, but also the Belarusian one. He completed a series of specialized trainings and is now using his experience in the fight against the Russian invasion army. He is an excellent shooter. It operates in and around Marjinka, where the situation is perhaps the most difficult of all sections of the front line. Kyril fights in the ranks of the 79th ZSU brigade, which unfortunately is not so well equipped. Marjinka is holding against huge material and numerical superiority perhaps only by the strength of an unbreakable will. The Belarusians are here fighting alongside their Ukrainian counterparts, and they need every bullet, every rifle, and every hand that can hold a gun.